Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dog for Sale

We had a fun, busy, and hot day. Logan woke up at his usual 7:00. The cartoons are alittle old for him on Saturday so I popped in his Sesame Street tape I recorded for him. We ate breakfast and went to about 5 garage sales. There wasn't much to choose from. If Logan was a girl we would have hit paydirt on one....but alas he is not. Logan fell asleep while we were driving and we played tennis for 30 minutes. It was so fun, but I was so wiped out. If we can play just once a week I know I can get into better shape. We came home and Steve painted the last door to our bathroom. I reminded him about the unfinished projects we still have before we start any more. I cleaned the house, minus the kitchen. I didn't mop or anything cause it's a white tile floor and i'd just have to do it again after tomorrow. We played outside for awhile till Kali bit Logan again. Last time it was his head and I didn't see it. This time I saw and he wasn't doing anything but walking to her. So she's as good as gone in Steve's eyes. I wondered if it was a good idea to get her and her owners swore that she was gentle. But I think the baby she was around was not a toddler. She also gets jealous. She'd be great with older kids or people that want a lap dog. So I don't know how I'm going to find her a home but I have to start soon. She growls when Logan gets near her crate, or her food. But he was no where near that... Anyway I made a pretty good recipe tonight called Beef Enchilada Bake. It made twelve dinky servings though which i hate. I was full just not satisfied. I had fat free refried beans and baked corn tortillas and salsa. Then the best part for dessert I had strawberries and ice cream. Its been so hot all day and I wanted to turn on the A/C cause our attic fan isn't working. Steve messed with the switch and it worked when he pushed on it but it quit when he let go. Then he walked away and a minute later it came on. Faulty wiring or Ghost? You decide!! Logan has been asleep for about 2 and 1/2 hours so I'd better go wake him up so he can eat and play with us. He is such a jabbermonkey. Just saying all kinds of stuff and trying to imitate every word I say. I really need to watch what I say. Oh I got some cute pics of Logan sitting in our field of "flowers" it was really cute he stayed out there so long. I wish it really was a field of flowers, I guess it's time to mow. Posted by Picasa


Misty said...

Yeah I wouldn't mess around with that either. You never know when a dog might go nutty if they are the jealous kind.

We have those same "flowers" overtaking our yard. Miss AM spent 30 minutes picking them this evening. :-D

Trisha said...

Yeah we have that problem sometimes. One of our dogs likes to snap at Tally when she sneaks up on her. Hasn't bit her yet though.

The recipe sounds yummy, being on weight watchers too, I totally understand the small portions.



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.