Thursday, April 06, 2006

WW Update

We woke up to a rainy looking day. In fact it did rain and thunder for an hour or so and then the sun came out. After Logan woke up from his afternoon nap we went outside and I walked 2 miles on the Riverpark trails in SS. I'm extra tired from it. I remember the last time I walked with Logan he was about 5 months old. We had some time to waste so I went to K-Mart. They are having really good sales. I almost bought a dress. It actually looked good on me...but where would I wear a dress. Two is all I really need. We looked at all the Elmo toys at K-Mart too. He had fun. The guy on the intercom kept announcing stuff in an English accent. It was really annoying. Then I met Steve and handed off the baby so I could go to my Weight Watchers meeting. Weight Watchers went really well. I have been getting stars every meeting. I lost 1.6 lbs this week which made me get my 20 lb star. Next week I should get my 10% thingy. I think it's funny how we get stickers like we are 5 yr olds. "Yeah I did good, I got a sticker" Like we are having a piano lesson or something. So I ran by McDonalds and picked up burgers for us to eat for dinner. I didn't go over and I still have some extra for tomorrow. Now did it satisfy my craving for a good hamburger? Nope. Logan ate his happy meal. He fell asleep on Steve after dinner for a few minutes. He's so pretty when he sleeps. I think he's pretty all the time though. We watched Narnia on DVD. I'd read the book so long ago I forgot all that happened. It was nice to have no cussing or real killing. I'm so sleepy and sore. I'm gonna call it an early night tonight and relish my almost 2 lb loss...We are going to have a busy weekend. Steve is dropping Logan and I off at my folks while he helps his sister move. He's also going to see his friend Brent and his parents. Posted by Picasa


Misty said...

Way to go on your weight loss!!!! You are doing awesome and I'm very proud of you. You look smaller every time I see you. I know what you mean about those stickers. It's dorky, but it's nice to recieve recognition for being good, too. Makes me feel like I'm a 4th grader in one of the classes I used to teach. hee hee

Hope you're weekend is a great one...if I don't get to talk to you b4 you leave!!

Trisha said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I was so very close to my 20 and then screwed up but I'm close again 2-3lbs.

Sounds like you had a nice day and I hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

way to go Lisa on the weight loss. with the two girls, its tough for me to commit to anything in the evenings. too bad they didnt have a work ww program. hmm. www. hehe.

i too am annoyed by the brit on the kmart intercom. i was there sunday looking for a toddler swing for J for the new swingset. he comes on every five mins. i swear.



have a good day, was so nice to see you the other day. you are looking fantastic!!!



About Me

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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.