Friday, April 07, 2006

Waddya want, I'm sick!

Well Logan has his first fever. I noticed he was acting really bad after his nap which isn't like him. He kept falling down when he was walking around. I got him to eat some today so he has an appetite. I think it's just teething. The poor guy cuts them all at once and he has some incisors coming in... I went to this big consignor sale today called Just between friends. I was able to get some cute stuff for my neice Kaydon. She is having a baby in May. Logan is saying "Oh Yeah" and trying to repeat what we say. It's really cute. He also likes putting his food on top of his head. He thinks he is doing something soo funny. Well I better get to bed just in case I need to tend to Logan tonight. If his fever is gone we will go to Shawnee to let my mom have some well deserved Grandbaby therapy. Posted by Picasa


Misty said...

Ohh...I didn't know it was his first fever. AM ran a pretty high one with her molars. The way Logan cuts teeth he may just cut a whole mouthful at once. I hope you guys get some rest tonight!

Trisha said...

Oh poor Logan. I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

hope Logan is feeling better. Danielle's first major fever was something called, "rotavirus". it was horrible. Grampa and Gramma were here visiting from Canada at the time. what an awful last few days they had with her being so sick. i read the other day in this new mag i got called CHILD (really nice mag btw) that the perverbial THEY are developing an innoculation for the rotavirus.

we've been lucky with major illnesses, touch wood!!!



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.