Monday, April 10, 2006


Just thought I would write a short little update. Night from Hell last night I was up till 2:30. He was screaming at one point and I was crying and saying "I'm sorry." Steve woke up and took him for a minute. At that point I asked him "how much are you going to commit to that cause I could lay down." A little longer I was able to get him to sleep. Took him to the Dr. I know that appts get delayed etc. But I try to get there early, I was there 5 minutes before my appt(4:10). We didn't get seen till 6:00. Logan was throwing a fit...So I'm exhausted and going to go to bed hopefully he will sleep through.. He has a bad ear infection in his right ear so he should feel better soon with his medicine.


Trisha said...

Sorry he's got an EI, glad you have medicine and getting it taken care of though! Hope he sleeps for you tonight!

Misty said...

Yeah I'm sorry to hear that you are both suffering. Long nights suck! I hope tonight is better for you both! ((((Lisa and Logan)))

Anonymous said...


big bummer on the ear infect. glad that you finally got in to see the doc tho. At least you can confirm what the cause is, and get some rest.

OHHHH the joys of mommyhood huh?

i still get the twitch for another one. dan insists NO WAY. i could do it again in a heartbeat even with the first being a preemie and the second being , well, just the second. haha. babies are just awesome. these girls fill my evenings with joy.



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.