Thursday, April 27, 2006

Let the fun begin!!

I was up all night long, after not sleeping much the night before. You'd think I would be tired, but I feel this energy going through me...Like I'm afraid to run out of gas, so i'm super busy. I'm running on caffeine that's for sure. Had to rock the boy twice in the night. Then he woke up at 5. I tried to rock him but he started talking to me. I got a 30 minute nap around 7:30. Then he slept from 11 to 12. I ran to Famous Footwear and bought three pairs of shoes with my gift certificate. Thank you Aunt Darlene! I hope your foot is feeling better. I heard your surgery went okay. Anyway I love getting bargains. Anyway I'm dreading WW tomorrow. I've gone over so so bad. I'm going over tonight too just because. BTW, don't eat a jr burger at sonic thinking you are doing good. It's 9 pts. Yeah at McD's you can it's only 5 or 6, but forget about Sonic. It was really good though. So I'm tempted to use my no weigh in pass cause I really don't want to weigh, but I want the meeting, however it's just me that knows, so maybe it's good to know. I spent alittle time changing my layout and getting new links on there. If you don't want your blog listed, please let me know.


Trisha said...

Sorry you had a bad night. Hope tonight is better!

Good luck on your WI tomorrow night, if you decide to do it.

Love the new look. Don't mind being on your links either.

Misty said...

I meant to comment on the new look. Very nice! And I'm good with being on the links, too. I need to do that sometime.....

Sorry about the rough night. You sound like you're taking it pretty good. I hope tonight goes mucho better!



About Me

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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.