Monday, May 01, 2006

Sesame Street Overdose

Cookie Monster has nothing on this girl right the way. Logan and I have been hanging out all day, here are some funny things he does everyday: * At least once a day he will bang on the television * He will always headbutt me before he kisses me, maybe following with a good ole finger jab up the nose * banging his sippy cup of milk on the coffee table is his favorite, then rubbing the milk in just for good measure...( and I wonder why my house smells) * sticks his fingers in his cheerios, or spaghettios or anything o'd. * dance when he eats * take his books from one room to another... * put his shoes or any other shoes on the coffee table * If outside, he will walk a few laps, eat some grass and dirt, sit on the ramp to the shed, and climb up the steps of the porch. * If we are at a park he will run to the nearest street, car, danger area....and immediately fall to his knees when I grab his hand * Immitate any burping noises or any other B noises.... I have signed up for my free trial of ww e-tools hoping it corrects any mistakes in my journalling and if it will help with menu planning. I think it would if my printer works but I can't get it to even intialize. Well I'm going to cuddle with Logan and see if he is getting sleepy.

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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.