Thursday, March 23, 2006

What a Character!!!

Good morning everyone! I was up so late creating this wouldn't you know that Logan would wake up at 7:00 on the dot? Well we've been busy watching Barney, Sesame Street and Telletubbies. I know I said I would take a nap with him but I had to shower. I can't make it without one. Logan was busy playing this morning and boy did I get some good pics. This boy has a personality that is for sure. He is starting to give me dirty looks even.....ouch. He was flipping his cheerios off the highchair like tiddlywinks and laughing this morning. I know i'll have alot more to write later, but my mind is so full with worry for my family and friends. You know when you feel out of control and it seems that you pray all day long? Well that's how I'm feeling today. I have alot to be thankful for sure, but I have alot of worry right now. My mom is having problems getting better after her knee replacement. She has hit a roadblock. I'm really worried about it. for any of you that read this please pray for her. One of my mommy friends who is pregnant is having complications and might lose her baby. It's really scary for her and anyone with kids know's the worry, i've heard the worry never goes away. Then there is my cousin who has cancer. I think of her alot. She has two little girls that are so cute. This cousin was in high school when i was a little girl and there is alot to be said about looking up to someone. I couldn't wait to grow up and be like her she was so cool. But she didn't act too cool for me even though i was little. Those people always shape you I think. Anyway i may not write tonight because i will be resting. Please remember my mom in your thoughts and prayers. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Misty said...

I will definitely pray for your mom. I see you decided to go another way. I already checked out your other blog this morning while I was blow-drying my hair. Like my multi-tasking there. ;) I couldn't comment on it because I'm not a member over there. I'm glad you decided to go with blogger so now I can fill up your comments :-D



About Me

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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.