Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ray Charles and wrinkle Cream Take 2

Dsc01881Okay so i thought Blogging, hmmm like a journal but better. Well not so my dears because i lost my post...i can't find it. The main reason is that i renamed my Blog...So that post was really great but i did ramble...heck it was 10:00 then and i was chatting with my friend online. She told me "you're up later than me." This is the friend that i never talk to because she's only online late when i'm asleep.

What am I thinking? I will tell you what i am thinking...I will simply nap with DS tomorrow. Forget the shower or laundry or anything else. We are napping together tomorrow.

Some of you may be jealous, some of you may understand that i have earned these little cat naps. Sure I wake up with drool not only on my face, but on my chest and arms as well....Not only because i sleep with my mouth open, so does my teething son. 100_0620

DS is Ray Charles, or the Jaimie Fox version at least. He dances, and let me tell you it doesn't matter what it is...but he crouches down and moves his body from side to side and claps to the beat...sometimes on the offbeat...yes he's very talented.

For those that know me, you know that i have a milestone coming up...It's starting to hit twenties are almost over. I'm noticing sagging, wrinkles is it weight loss or just me? So what did i do in the twenties?...Let's recap shall we?

20...I was a student at OSU, trying to navigate through the Psychology Program, Living with my brother in the white cinderblock apt that we kept in our family for almost 5 years.. 21.....well that's self explanatory.....that year was at OSU, and well that's self explanatory too. 22.....first real boyfriend, first real breakup, graduated, backpacked in Europe for a month 23.....worked in my degree at Red Rock driving kids to Rehab, got cussed out and got paid 19K a year for it....meanwile went through 2 transmissions. 24.....worked at North Care, in my degree in OKC, got cussed out and threatened and got paid 21K a year for it. 25.....had enough after coworker killed by same cussing threatening kids and finally got a job as an insurance csr, no degree required, make 23K a year 26.....moved to Tulsa for job paying 28k a year no degree required, met my husband....yada yada yada 27.....still wooing DH till Feb 15 got married 28......went to Cozumel for anniversary and trying to make baby, got pregnant the next month with new baby...a real adventure 30...doesn't look as bad as before.. Goodnight for now!

1 comment:

Misty said...

You look just fine...remember it's only a number! It says nothing about who you are.....which is easy for me to say at 26, right? ;) But really I do believe that. Welcome to blogging! Now I have more good reading material. :)



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.