Thursday, March 23, 2006


This is a tribute to my mom. You all know that i am worried about her since her knee replacement surgery. But my love for my mom was not always apparent to me. See we are identicle in personality sometimes, and yet I took after my fathers side on looks, etc. I've learned that i never fully appreciated her. I hope I live long enough to see my kids appreciate me. Those that don't know my mom might see how young she looks, well i think she does. I've always found her beautiful even if she doesn't always think so. Her hair has always been really dark, her skin olive and her eyes are the lightest blue. She's a small woman even when she called herself big. She is funny and caring but would hurt anyone who hurts those she loves. She loves God, loves my dad and isn't afraid to show us how much. She cares for people above all else. She is very good at caring for sick and injured, and scared. She has bailed me out more times than i can count and forgiven me more times than that. She never shyed away from praying with a patient in her clinic. One thing that she gave me that sometimes gets me in trouble is her total honesty and candor about who she is and how she feels. She expresses herself totally. When she's angry you know it and when shes happy you know it. She crys when she's angry, but that's it. Dad is the cryer in our family and i got that from him. I wasn't always kind to her, sometimes I did things because I knew that she would be hurt. That's a terrible thing to say. But one day I gave in and let her love me. Then one day i loved myself. She stayed with me in the delivery room with my son and stayed up and cried with me in the hospital when we had to go back to the hospital. She helped me with those first few days home, then she did the best thing, she left me alone to learn for myself. After having a baby of my own I learned why my mom fought for me, felt hurt so strongly when I hurt myself. I learned why she wouldn't stay out of my business and ask annoying questions about where I was and who I was with. (Like a splinter digging its way inside, or the Viet Cong :)). Well, She was always apart of me. I just had to realize it. Cause every day i watch as this little piece of me falls and hurts himself and know why I have such a great mom and hope that it runs in the family.
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1 comment:

Misty said...'re so sappy just like me....I also realized how much a Mom does and loves when AM was born. I got her the book Chicken Soup for the Mother Soul last xmas and read it beforehand making note in the margine about what a great Mom she is....and she is...

What a sweet tribute to your Mom!



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.