Sunday, June 11, 2006

Full Moon Friday

Let's start by saying i'm not having the best week. Not only is steve gone for a week, I somehow managed to gain 7 lbs or something like that. I wasn't eating that bad..but I have no clue what's going on. I didn't weigh in, but It was i was having pains that i have no clue...i'm leaving on vacation so i'm not worrying too much, i'll get back on after...Then my ww leader and I had a "discussion" during the meeting in front of everyone. I just can't stand when someone wants you to think they know everything. She's telling me that cappuccinos have sugar in them...if the ww book said cappuccino, fat free, i would think oh espresso, with skim milk...but i suppose if you didn't know what real cappuccinos are then you would assume it's a powder that you mix with water...I said, just regular caps don't have at real coffee starbucks...she had to do the sing songy voiced "i wouldn't be too sure!" (i hate that, btw) i just said "okay whatever you say and smiled" and my friends would know that it isn't my usual smile...hmmm... So we went to Shawnee and took Logan to my mom's work where he dazzled and flirted with everyone at the Cancer Clinic. Later that evening we let him play in the sprinkler and decided to give him a bath at the same we soaped up his little hiney and let him get wet. He was hilarious cause he was running and looking down at his dingaling and had to stop and play every so many steps. Yesterday Dad took him on the tractor and he loved it. He had alot of fun at grandma and grandpas. He is cutting two molars and two incisors on the top so his mood has been pretty grumpy today.  Posted by Picasa


Misty said...

Kids seem to love being outside, and being naked, so that must be about as good as it gets! Adorable pics!

Misty said...

Dingaling and hiney, now are those the technical terms?

Sorry you're WW lady is such a B! Have I told you how much I love Suzanne????

Resa said...

Great pictures. Such a cute boy.



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.