Sunday, January 28, 2007

If this doesn't make me sigh ....

I don't know what will...He's such a big boy. Peeing in the potty (when we make it in time or I remind him) brushing his teeth complete with the spitting and's just too cute. We had a good visit with my Mom and Dad. We will probably repeat it every Friday and Saturday cause Mom has some time to relax and Grandbaby therapy helps. Dad is doing just awesome. He is taking a few steps/wheeling himself around in a wheelchair. They can't get his peg tube (the feeding tube put into his stomach) to work right. I swear I thought he was saying he was getting hungry but they both said he didn't. He has lost alot of weight but not in the good way. He is pretty tired since he isn't getting all his feedings. He had trouble sleeping Thursday night and couldn't breath (stuffy nose). I know why my goodness I sit there for a few hours and my nose is dry and crusty and throat starts to hurt. But they gave him vaporized oxygen and it helped him sleep the next night. He needs prayer for attitude now. He's not seeing progress fast enough and he sorta had an anxiety attack about it. My mom is a great cheerleader. But He's doing awesome. I've never known anyone to go through what he has so in my mind he's doing great. My cousin's wife had their baby on Thursday and it was sent to the NICU on the floor above dad's. His lungs weren't developed even though he was only 3 days before the due date. So we have two relatives in the same hospital.


Misty said...

L looks too grown up in those pics! Cute, cute. I'll keep your dad in my prayers. ((((hugs for you all))) I hope he can keep positive and make progress. Hopefully this first really hard part will be a distant memory soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope your dad continues to get better. I know this is difficult for him. It seems so much harder than the first time he had this. Which cousin had a baby?
Logan is adorable. Getting so big so fast. He looks like a little man now. Syd is trying to spit when she brushes her teeth. It's so cute. She will do anything that Zachary does. She thinks he is the best ever! They are so funny together!

Lisa said...

it is alot harder...he is 14 yrs older and the tumor was tiny last time...he only lost the hearing everything else came back. he had some vessels clamp down after surgery this time and he lost that facial tongue nerve.



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.