Monday, February 05, 2007

Morning Sickness + Dirty Diaper + Husband who won't change diapers and has a sort of cruel streak? =

This......Hubby took a picture of me changing a diaper and gagging all at the same time. I ask you is this fair? Oh well I get to be with this all day.... Here chunk is looking just like daddy hand in the popcorn watching a movie with us this weekend. Hmm..could be a reason his diapers stink so bad....Note to self ..say no to chunks request for "popporn."


Misty said...

yeah, that is just wrong. He so should have changed that one! Sorry you aren't feeling too good. :(

Resa said...

I agree, he should have been changing it if he was at home!! Poor momma. :(

Your boy has such a great smile. :D



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.