Sunday, August 20, 2006

yes it's time to look back....sniff sniff

I am up tonight...cramping as luck will have it, headache stuffy nose and asthma...woo hoo...but i'm not really wanting to sleep ...Oh yeah and there is no reason to cramp anymore so im confused alittle...and looking up stuff on WebMD Chunks dad is putting the movies on the computer and then we are burning it to disks..he showed me the film of him in october swinging...he was just learning to crawl....and all i have to say is ...butterbean, rolly polly...I know he was tall then, but he was a fat gushy, cheeks so sweet you want to kiss them all day cute!! And I started crying...We went to church today (jackpot! btw) and he didn't say goodbye, see ya, nothing...he started playing and didn't even look up from his fun when dh dropped of the diaper bag. It was awesome. Lots of little kids between 1-2 and he had a blast. Although it's not a picture from the actual playground...maybe I'll work on video for this later, here's a picture from the same month...He still has chubby cheeks thankfully, but he did find his neck lol!


Misty said...

Aww that is such a cute pic! I remember that day..

I hope you figure out the cramping soon and feel better. I'm keeping you and you dad in my prayers.

Resa said...

Sooo cute. :) He's definitely grown a lot since then. Amazing how fast they grow and change, huh?

Sorry your not feeling well. I hope it gets better soon for ya.

Trisha said...

Awww sweet pic!

Hope the cramping gets better!



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I quilt and sew and crochet. I like learning new things.