We ended up going to DH's sister's wedding afterall. The ice and snow wasn't as bad as everyone was saying. By Saturday that is. We loaded up that morning and drove out there. Minus the whole getting lost thing it was a fun time. We were in the lead car, yet the in-laws had the map... We went 30 minutes the wrong way and our destination was 10 minutes from our wrong turn. We had my niece in the car with us so her mom was pretty antsy since she had to get ready for the wedding. We finally got there and booked it up to the wedding chapel. This included everyone thinking we are lost and at every inn and cottage saying "that's it" or "we passed it" "we went way too far" etc. All the while Im on the phone talking to them every five minutes. That's what getting lost will do it ruins your confidence in listening to others I guess. Needless to say there was champagne. That night We got no sleep at all as we found out chunk can hurdle himself out of the portable crib. we would be laying there then suddenly "pat pat pat pat" hi dadda! Juice! Hi Momma! (jumping on bed). Then he was sleeping away and we needed to eat breakfast with everyone. I turned on the t.v. turned on all the lights, nothing he wouldn't wake up. We had to start talking to him...I wish I could sleep through him the night before. Oh and he loves his cousin. When she would leave he would cry. When she would come back he would smile and say "da." Last night after we made it home he started crying for Da. He finally said her name sort of but he really loves her. She came outside from the restaraunt Sunday morning and he laid a big kiss on her and rubbed noses. It was really cute. Chunk also got to spend more time with his grandma and grandpa and his obsession with "pa pa" is doubled now. He doesn't say memaw or nanna...nothing. All he talks about is papa. We were in a store yesterday that had a cardboard cutout of clint eastwood and chunk kept saying "see papa" lol.
Gosh, I guess I haven't checked your blog in a while, sorry! Luckily I talk to you enough to be up to date. I am missing you though and can't wait to see you both!!!
Cute pics! Glad you had a nice weekend :)
Great pictures. Glad you had a fun safe trip despite getting a little lost. :)
Gosh, I guess I haven't checked your blog in a while, sorry! Luckily I talk to you enough to be up to date. I am missing you though and can't wait to see you both!!!
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