im feeling blah all of a sudden. I have no idea why. DH and I have been walking every night till last night when i made beans and cornbread, fried potatoes...yes it was evil but it's my favorite meal believe it or not. I had the priviledge to not eat it all the time I suppose. DH on the other hand always says "oh" when i tell him what Im making.
I think they are tearing down the playground near our house (fingers crossed that they put in a baby friendly play area and at least leave some swings.
Chunk has been having a terrible time sleeping. I'm sick of it. I feel bad for him and i get him and rock him...but that doesn't work either. I rocked him till he snored his pacifier out and was drooling on me but it didn't work. He still started screaming. It's very frustrating. That's really all I have to say. ...hopefully i'll be in a better humor later. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels at this point. Wake up make breakfast, clean up kitchen, change chunks clothes, clean up living room, laundry, clean up dirty diaper, take chunk outside, clean up chunk, make lunch, start thawing out dinner, clean up kitchen, get drink, clean up drink, change chunks clothes, get chunk to take nap, make dinner or start, laundry, brush teeth...wash face (i know). then eat dinner, unload dishwasher, do dishes, oh sweep and mop again, clean chunk. Give bath to chunk put in pjs, clean up living room, put chunk to bed...(which is taking forever) and in this i have been fitting 20 minutes of pilates and 45 minutes of walking...
on another front, our budget is going well...well I have no money left but it's still okay.
I hope you feel better soon. Sorry Logan isn't sleeping well for you! Tally is teething so I know how it is. ;)
Hey girl, we all feel that way at times. Motherhood is the best...but very exhausting. Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon. Love ya!!
((hugs)) I bet the lack of regular sleep isn't helping. It is a little bit about state of mind. I know it's hard, but if you can do your daily round with love in your heart, it sure makes it a lot easier. You do have to take care of yourself and let others take care of you a little bit as well. I hope it's all a distant memory very soon! Hang in there, sweetie.
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