I spent tons of time writing a post holiday entry last night uploading pictures from our weekend. I hate seeing it dissapear into nothingness. Not even a back page could save it. Oh well

We had fun this weekend despite a cold rearing it's ugly head between chunk and I. He must have had it before me cause he was sniffling. If only we didn't make out I'm sure I wouldn't get sick but when he kisses you trust me you can't resist. Except he always tries to kiss me when he eats and usually has food all over his face. It's too funny. But all that kissing has led to a cold for me which really stinks since I can't take decongestant till I'm farther along. Fun Fun. It's shifted to a sore throat now and I have a nostril free now. I never have both isn't that weird?

We had an awesome time at my parents on the Christmas eve eve and eve. Lots of bonding time with chunk and PaPa and Grandma. It was alittle sickening the love fest between Papa and chunk but considering all he's going through mom and I are okay with it now I think. He's the most patient grandpa I swear. He spent an hour letting chunk climb on the lawnmower up and down. He's in the repetitive play stage. I have no patience for it sometimes.

Monday we treked to the In-Laws and had a rather crowded time with everyone. Lots of neices and nephews. Some family drama as well as one sister didn't show because she's mad at another sister (rolling my eyes). Mother in Law has adopted a stray cat and I totally was caught off guard. I took shifts in the van to regain some air. My eyes would start itching and get hard to stop sneezing and 5 minutes outside would do the trick. Luckily chunk isn't allergic and had a blast with his cousins. He had fun messing with Papa's television as well.
As for number 2 everything is great. I have no morning sickness at all. It's alot better than with chunk. I was having some pretty intense cramping tonight as I was reading to chunk. I hate those it makes you start to worry something might happen.