just alittle note about God. I know alot of people don't like to talk about it or think people are "too religious" sometimes...but I'm never religious.
We are going on a short "vacation" to see my brother. We had decided that it's been so long we needed to get away. DH has been worn out and needed a break. We talked about and while we can't afford it fiscally, we can't afford not taking one physically and mentally. So we are going to put it on our no interest credit card whatever meals we pay for etc. Most of our trip was going to consist of swimming in my brother's pool.
So yesterday I am thinking about my orphan that I sponsor in Malawi Africa. Jim the man who set up the mission there came and told me a story about her. Let me back up by saying that Fales looks hard, and very sad. I'm not sure what has happened to her but I'm sure it's not good considering where she is. They said that we were able to get them all blankets to sleep on since they have been sleeping on the bare floor in 50 Degree weather. But this little 12 year old girl looks sad but by the end of the last mission she sang a song to the people. Then this trip she kept bowing at Janelle's feet and once she carried a radio for Janelle. I was thinking about her and the fact that these orphans are so happy with a blanket to sleep on. It really makes all worries about money silly.
I wrote her a letter and paid my offering. It's only $60 to feed, cloth, medicate, and pay for school for 3 months. It's hardly anything. It's a tank of gas (yeah it's alot when you are filling up :)) So I sealed the envelope and had it ready yesterday. I have been feeling bad that I've neglected the offering for 2 months, usually because we forget our checkbook when we go to church.
Today Steve calls and says, "Guess what? Everyone got a $1 k bonus!" I guess the company had a good profit last quarter so everyone got a bonus. So we don't have to charge our expenses and whats more we will have extra money to pay bills and help for a couple of months.
I don't mean to get preachy, or anything like that, or mean to say that everyone should pay tithes cause those sermons make everyone's toes feel stepped on. DH and I discuss this aspect alot as well. My parents tell me stories similar to this all the time. I guess all i'm wanting to say is that God does take care of people. It's really important for me to remember that anything I have is not mine but given to me by God. Sometimes I think of what I'd like to have or what we can't afford. But it's worth it to be able to raise my son and take care of him in the way that I know is best. And helping others that don't have what I have really helps me get outside of myself for a moment. Not that I do it enough. I need to find other ways.
I'm not sure that having more money would bless our home. When I was working and didn't have a child I would have given it all to have him. It doesn't seem like that much of a sacrifice. Neither does putting off my "career" for another child. I think that everyone wants security and to have savings and I know that it's important. We may never have enough money for more kids, but who does? Somehow it works out. We worried and fretted about affording Logan, and we are doing great in my opinion.
On another note I saw a news topic discussed on the View. I am alittle hot under the collar over it. (when am I not!) They said that women who do not breastfeed at least 6 months are hurting their children as much as women who smoke during pregnancy. What? Like I don't need to feel any more guilt? So I should have made milk come out when it wouldn't? Hmm...that sets us up for failure doesn't it? I get so mad thinking about that. Also all those women that have to work and can't...or like me just couldn't make milk and couldn't meet the demand of my 10 lb baby? My doctors say that's crazy and so does my grandmothers who raised her kids and they are healthy as well. They are saying it increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. I think they are grasping at straws. Perhaps there is no correlation. Perhaps the eating habits of america are the problem, not the nursing trends. It's just funny how some generations say it's okay to give formula and others don't. I say if the baby is nurtured and happy and healthy, it doesn't matter.