Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Last Weeks Water Playdate..
Lets just say that last weeks playdate at Misty's house provided for alot of Mommy heart attacks. Logan is one unpredictable silly boy. I was jumping in pulling his face/body out of the water so much it wasn't even funny. Maybe that CPR class would have been a good idea...
He had to carry his full cup of water in and out of the pool each time...and drank the whole pool i swear. The day couldn't have been complete without sampling Bixby dirt...before jumping back in the pool with rocks in his mouth...lol.. that boy that boy....
Thanks Misty for the pics...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming..
We had a pretty good weekend. I picked up my "Angelfood" and ordered for July. I am always so amazed at all the food. So we are more than set. Our deep freeze is full. Logan has enough fried chicken till he's 3. Well especially when he throws it off the side of the high chair.
He has such a unique personality. I love it. He's always really happy even when he's sick. A sure sign of being really sick is when he's lathargic or irritated. Or happy one minute, then really uncontrollable the next. He's been doing that lately...well at mom and dad's he wouldn't sleep till about 2 am...and still woke up at 730
Anyway we went to see the DH's Family and then to mine. It was a good visit. My mom is doing awesome and she got to play alot with the boy.
Friday I taught him to say "Yee-haw" when he rides his rocking horse. I guess it translates to sitting on duffle bags too. He was saying it all day yesterday and I didn't know why...looked down he's sitting on the bag in the floor.
We had a pretty good visit with the families but i'm glad to be home. I'll be glad to have a weekend where we don't drive somewhere. yuck..
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Slamming my head into Reality.....
Okay I've realized that I can't have the mentality of "ill eat like everyone else" I've gained 10 lbs in two weeks...yeah..you heard it hear. So all that progress and losing 1-2 lbs a week for 17 weeks is out the window...I was slipping by gaining maybe .2, .5, 1.2...those aren't bad at all. Last meeting I went to I skipped w/i. I had cramps and felt waterlogged anyway. Went on vacation. Didn't eat all the time, but sure didn't drink water. Had alcohol a couple of times. Now I'm paying for it. I'm up to where i was in March! I am back on though...I am going to start keeping track etc...Hopefully i'll start to feel better too. This week has been the headache/sinus pain week.
Logan has been having terrible stinky diapers that I think are due to his mouth hurting and teething. He is cutting two top incisors, one top and one bottom molar...and maybe some more canines...I can see white places all over the place...and he won't let me look too closely. he also has alittle rash on his neck/back area. I don't know where that came from though.
He's been alot of fun talking. He's saying "oh man" all the time. He's just so fun these days. His hair is getting alot thicker and he's looking so grown up . Most of his baby fat seems to be coming off...
Okay....just remembered that I didn't really finish my post.
Went back to ww tonight to finish the meeting...I was glad I did. I really like the leader so much more...i'll have to figure out a way to get my membership card this week and not be noticed...
Anyway one guy there has lost 102 lbs. wow...
On my way home I washed and vacumed the van since we cleaned alot of crap out when we unpacked. I even vacumed the trunk...so i'm sure that will last one whole day after logan throws food etc...lol.. Oh well.
So Now I am relaxing screenside, drinking my menage et trois rose wine...cause it's one of those days/weeks...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Vacation Part 6
they had this Alice in Wonderland like room that you go stand in and look through a glass window and you look tiny, or large...I can't remember. Anyway Craig had to try it....
This is our only attempt at a family photo...Yeah ....
You can at least see me and Logan...and Craig alittle bit. Steve wore his OSU garb that we got him for Fathers day. We kept getting double takes...I think cause he's so tall...People probably thought he was on the team lol.
Oh yeah...we wanted to put angry eyebrows on Logan to complete his ensemble...however it detracted from the goatee and chops...Oh and I wouldn't suggest this face paint when teething and using pacifiers...hmmm...maybe next year.
Vacation Part 5
More from the children's museum. it may seem like alot of pics here but that's really all we did this day. Logan loved this ramp again. We are talking around 30-40 minutes on this ramp.
Okay so what does one paint on a babies face. Butterflies? Flowers? Not on macho babies like this. This is the must have look for all little baby boys. Mutton chops and goatees.
Vacation Part 4
Saturday we woke up and got around slowly it seemed. Our first stop was Craig's office at Burlington. It had a wonderful view of Downtown Houston. We then got caught in the rain ate lunch at Papacitas and headed to the Children's Museum. They have everything for every kid really. The toddler area was awesome. Logan loved this ramp that had steps, wavy floors, different levels and ramps and hills. We couldn't get him off of it.
Our Vacation Part 3
Friday we just drove around for alittle bit. Craig had to get his tag which was really overdue and then we ate lunch at Beck's Prime, Steve says it's the best burger he's ever had (including home made!) Then we went to Memorial City Mall which was alot of fun. We played games at the arcade which was unusual for us. Logan loved riding the spiderman car. We came home and swam and then made Brats and Kraut. I made my own secret recipe Saurkraut. It was good.
Our Vacation Part 2
Our Vacation Blog (Part 1)
Thursday we drove to Houston to see my brother. We stopped in Dallas to meet Sarah and Sydda for lunch. I haven't seen either of them since Syd was born so it was nice.
Logan got to run around and flirt with everyone. As soon as we got to the car however, our latch on our passenger door wouldn't close. What's worse is that it's automatic and it wouldn't stop opening and closing. So we made due by tying steve's belt around it.
Razzoos was good too. It wasn't as good as we remembered but it was still something we can't find here in Tulsa.....for more on our trip stay tuned and read the next blog.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
First real vacation
We are leaving in the morning for Houston. It should be a pretty easy trip. We will be there around 7. We plan on taking a few hours in Dallas. I don't have much else to say...I have lists in my head. I think we are good though. Gonna water the garden in the morning and give it a good soak. We have tons of tomatoes and i sure hope they don't get ripe while we are gone. Anyone want to come pick some feel free...mow our lawn while you are there lol
In Logan news he wouldn't stop playing on the coffee table. I had to spank his hiney...Steve said "he doesn't know why you did that" I'm like Huh? He knows...i did have to pull him off so he wouldn't fall when i did it...oh well...
He got a shout Elmo doll last night and he loves it he grabs it while it's dancing and hugs it though...aww...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
When you least expect it.
just alittle note about God. I know alot of people don't like to talk about it or think people are "too religious" sometimes...but I'm never religious.
We are going on a short "vacation" to see my brother. We had decided that it's been so long we needed to get away. DH has been worn out and needed a break. We talked about and while we can't afford it fiscally, we can't afford not taking one physically and mentally. So we are going to put it on our no interest credit card whatever meals we pay for etc. Most of our trip was going to consist of swimming in my brother's pool.
So yesterday I am thinking about my orphan that I sponsor in Malawi Africa. Jim the man who set up the mission there came and told me a story about her. Let me back up by saying that Fales looks hard, and very sad. I'm not sure what has happened to her but I'm sure it's not good considering where she is. They said that we were able to get them all blankets to sleep on since they have been sleeping on the bare floor in 50 Degree weather. But this little 12 year old girl looks sad but by the end of the last mission she sang a song to the people. Then this trip she kept bowing at Janelle's feet and once she carried a radio for Janelle. I was thinking about her and the fact that these orphans are so happy with a blanket to sleep on. It really makes all worries about money silly.
I wrote her a letter and paid my offering. It's only $60 to feed, cloth, medicate, and pay for school for 3 months. It's hardly anything. It's a tank of gas (yeah it's alot when you are filling up :)) So I sealed the envelope and had it ready yesterday. I have been feeling bad that I've neglected the offering for 2 months, usually because we forget our checkbook when we go to church.
Today Steve calls and says, "Guess what? Everyone got a $1 k bonus!" I guess the company had a good profit last quarter so everyone got a bonus. So we don't have to charge our expenses and whats more we will have extra money to pay bills and help for a couple of months.
I don't mean to get preachy, or anything like that, or mean to say that everyone should pay tithes cause those sermons make everyone's toes feel stepped on. DH and I discuss this aspect alot as well. My parents tell me stories similar to this all the time. I guess all i'm wanting to say is that God does take care of people. It's really important for me to remember that anything I have is not mine but given to me by God. Sometimes I think of what I'd like to have or what we can't afford. But it's worth it to be able to raise my son and take care of him in the way that I know is best. And helping others that don't have what I have really helps me get outside of myself for a moment. Not that I do it enough. I need to find other ways.
I'm not sure that having more money would bless our home. When I was working and didn't have a child I would have given it all to have him. It doesn't seem like that much of a sacrifice. Neither does putting off my "career" for another child. I think that everyone wants security and to have savings and I know that it's important. We may never have enough money for more kids, but who does? Somehow it works out. We worried and fretted about affording Logan, and we are doing great in my opinion.
On another note I saw a news topic discussed on the View. I am alittle hot under the collar over it. (when am I not!) They said that women who do not breastfeed at least 6 months are hurting their children as much as women who smoke during pregnancy. What? Like I don't need to feel any more guilt? So I should have made milk come out when it wouldn't? Hmm...that sets us up for failure doesn't it? I get so mad thinking about that. Also all those women that have to work and can't...or like me just couldn't make milk and couldn't meet the demand of my 10 lb baby? My doctors say that's crazy and so does my grandmothers who raised her kids and they are healthy as well. They are saying it increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. I think they are grasping at straws. Perhaps there is no correlation. Perhaps the eating habits of america are the problem, not the nursing trends. It's just funny how some generations say it's okay to give formula and others don't. I say if the baby is nurtured and happy and healthy, it doesn't matter.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Full Moon Friday
Let's start by saying i'm not having the best week. Not only is steve gone for a week, I somehow managed to gain 7 lbs or something like that. I wasn't eating that bad..but I have no clue what's going on. I didn't weigh in, but It was bad...plus i was having pains that day...so i have no clue...i'm leaving on vacation so i'm not worrying too much, i'll get back on after...Then my ww leader and I had a "discussion" during the meeting in front of everyone. I just can't stand when someone wants you to think they know everything. She's telling me that cappuccinos have sugar in them...if the ww book said cappuccino, fat free, i would think oh espresso, with skim milk...but i suppose if you didn't know what real cappuccinos are then you would assume it's a powder that you mix with water...I said, just regular caps don't have sugar..like at real coffee places...like starbucks...she had to do the sing songy voiced "i wouldn't be too sure!" (i hate that, btw) i just said "okay whatever you say and smiled" and my friends would know that it isn't my usual smile...hmmm...
So we went to Shawnee and took Logan to my mom's work where he dazzled and flirted with everyone at the Cancer Clinic. Later that evening we let him play in the sprinkler and decided to give him a bath at the same time...so we soaped up his little hiney and let him get wet. He was hilarious cause he was running and looking down at his dingaling and had to stop and play every so many steps.
Yesterday Dad took him on the tractor and he loved it. He had alot of fun at grandma and grandpas. He is cutting two molars and two incisors on the top so his mood has been pretty grumpy today.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Daddy's Pics
Okay honey here are the pictures you wanted. Please excuse the greasy faces and upset looks...Our Little man loves to play with this camera and was mad that I took it away from him...plus it looks like his mouth hurts. I took him to a free movie today which was 2.00...oh well...but we lasted all of 5 minutes into the movie. He was just too sleepy. he woke up at 6:30 so it was silly to even try.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Missed Picture Post
For some reason when I post using my Picasa Editor, I can't upload more than 4 pictures. So I realize that my "Energy" Post was lacking two pictures so they are at the bottom. the first pic is from today at the Zoo. I just had to edit out somethings. I'll have to figure out why this happens...
this is from last friday...he's about to run into the water. I just love this expression!
This was the ride home from the splashpark...and come to think of it most every return trip we have...:)
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Blog Archive
- Last Weeks Water Playdate..
- Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep ...
- Slamming my head into Reality.....
- Vacation Part 6
- Vacation Part 5
- Vacation Part 4
- Our Vacation Part 3
- Our Vacation Part 2
- Our Vacation Blog (Part 1)
- First real vacation
- When you least expect it.
- Full Moon Friday
- Daddy's Pics
- Missed Picture Post
- Zoo Trip 6-07-06
- DH
- Sunday at home
- The Definition of Energy