I've been a busy bee lately. I've finished three quilt projects and one clothing item. All of these are for my family reunion. Every year we have an auction. All these projects probable cost me the price of thread and electricity; oh and a 6.99 package of cotton blend batting. (Yeah Wal-mart for carrying cotton blend batting!).
In addition to the Jungle quilt I made a scrappy table runner. I used a pattern from Moda Bake shop
here .
Then I did a
Half yard challenge from Fons and Porter to complete this Baby Quilt. I had to improvise since I don't have cool 1/2 & 1/4 square ruler. I am not as creative I guess. The material I chose dictated a very traditional quilt though.

I also finished these two aprons. I love aprons! I have a lot of material that is "aprony"(fruits and vegetables). I used Simplicity 2626 view A. Hancock's had a 5 for 5 sale of patterns. You know I loaded up! Always wait for a sale like this! If you don't you are paying sometimes 10-12 dollars for a multi-view pattern! This was so easy that you can read the instructions and go. I did spend alot of time making my own 1/4 inch double fold bias tape. Wow...I wish i had one of those bias tape makers that day!. But I learned an awesome trick that I learned in my Fons and Porter Magazine. On your ironing board place one pin the width of your tape. run your tape through it and press as you pull the tape through it...this is after you press it all in half and are making the double fold. I then make my pin gap narrower (1/4 inch) and pulled it through a second time.
I had a busy week. Unfortunately I think I really hurt my left arm. For sure a carpal tunnel thing...Yay (sarcasm).